Translated from Bengali, Akram means "next to the stars," but Akram Khan himself is a star. If not the best, then certainly one of the brightest performers of contemporary dance in the world. He has collaborated with numerous outstanding ballet masters and, at some point, found the perfect one: himself. Khan's choreography has revolutionized perceptions of contemporary dance worldwide. Each of his performances is an eagerly anticipated event for audiences across all continents. Now, "Jungle Book: reimagined" (2022) is currently on a world tour. Akram Khan, along with his troupe, will arrive in Latvia in spring 2024 and will perform three shows at the Dailes Teātris on April 10th, 11th, and 12th.
The Jungle Book. Reimagined.
Translated from Bengali, Akram means "next to the stars," but Akram Khan himself is a star. If not the best, then certainly one of the brightest performers of contemporary dance in the world. He has collaborated with numerous outstanding...