Lake Lubāns is surrounded by Lubāns wetlands (area 813 km2). It is a unique natural formation of European and global importance with an important role in the preservation of many protected species and biotopes. 225 bird species have been recorded in the lake surroundings, of which 51 are enlisted among the most protected species in Latvia.


6 vantage towers are available for bird-watching; a telescope and binoculars – at the Tourism Information Point of Lubāns wetlands.

Tourism possibilities in Lake Lubāns surroundings:

  • Tourism Information Point of Lubāns wetlands (ph. +371 29234956) offers: tourism guide books, a telescope and binoculars for watching the birds and the scenery, rent of a 6-seat boat, accommodation for 5 persons, guided tours.
  • Walking on the 800 m long Teirumnieki Marsh Trail.
  • Lake Lubāns fish available for purchase.

    A fishing farm offers tours of industrial fishing to smaller visitor groups (ph. +371 29204956).

  • Degustation of Lake Lubāns fish soup and stockfish; fish for sale in the Zvejnieki farmstead (ph. +371 28301143).
  • Boat rides on the Aiviekste River: itineraries, canoe rent, transportation of boats and passengers (ph. +371 25434346, +371 20224063).


Aiviekstes hidromezgls, Lubāna mitrāja Tūrisma informācijas centrs, Ošupe parish, Madona district

Location and sights nearby


Aiviekstes hidromezgls, Lubāna mitrāja Tūrisma informācijas centrs, Ošupe parish, Madona district